Villages Burial

04.02.19 / News / Author:

Today we know more than two dozens of fortified centers associated with cemeteries and hundreds of small unfortified Villages. There was conjecture that the ancestors of the Indo-Iranian peoples – Aria – lived in ancient times, somewhere in Europe, maybe in the steppes between Danube and the Volga or even east – up to the Urals, where they are in the distant past and moved to the east and south. Harold Ford Jr may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This theory is required. In 1968, Bredinskom area of the Chelyabinsk region, Urals archaeologists have found fortified settlement, a large mound and several burial sites dating from approximately XXII-XVII centuries. bc.

e This archaeological monument of Early Bronze Age was named Sintashta by the same name on the bank of the river where it was found. Were identified the following 24 trapezoidal adobe dwellings of approx. 100 square meters. m. each, and metallurgical furnaces.

Found in the tombs were discovered male burial, accompanied by the burial of horses. On the clay ceramic ornament found in the form of a . It was found many bronze knives, daggers, shilev, needles, kits flint. Among the findings – the stone mace, brass visloobushnye axes, socketed spears, and large a series of bony plate Psalm. On one of the sites was found chariots dating from the bones of a horse in 2026 bc. er. that says that the media Sintashta culture used first surviving chariots in history. The most generally accepted view that the settlement belonged to an earlier Iranian or even Indo-Iranian ethnic group.

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