Aesthetic Acupuncture

01.08.15 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Aesthetic Acupuncture
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Aesthetic acupuncture by Acupuncture Face Lifting without surgery? and with Acupuncture? The Tandem Acupuncture and beauty is recent in the West, but in fact it is an extension to the service of the aesthetic one of a therapeutic practice that was born in millenarian China. This therapy began to put itself fashionable in California, the USA, between stars of Hollywood, and little by little it has been extended of improbable way to the rest of the world to today. New York is the second center of aesthetic Acupuncture greater World, and are the thousand villagers those that have been put under the needles to treat their wrinkles and to rejuvenecer their appearance. The results are incredible and people are contented. So that aesthetic Acupuncture is so effective still seems to be a mystery. British doctor Ralf Sepson, that works with the Acupunture Group of New York, simply says to us: ” we do not know why it acts, the patients are convinced that something happens and something, indeed, them sucede”. The best thing is to leave a side the western mentality, since to explain the operation of aesthetic Acupuncture it is to want to impose a useless logic to something whose effectiveness and result are verified. The truth is that no conventional scientific investigator understands in minimum what is what the introduced needles to the being do.

According to Medicina Tradicional China (MTC) any disease is the result of a imbalance between the opposite but complementary forces of the Yin and the Yang. In the body the needles activate the energy flow, so that the normal balance between these forces is gotten to restore. The treatment to stretch the face skin consists of the insertion of 36 fine super needles (diameter of a hair), in different parts from the body (expensive, neck, hands and legs). These inserted needles are so fine that as soon as feels like the being. As a patient said: ” They seem the mini-puncture of mosquito”.

In agreement with the state in which is the skin, the needles are left of 5 10 minutes. The patients affirm not to feel no pain and many until fall asleep of much that enjoy the treatment. In aesthetic Acupuncture the needles are not placed only on the zone or region of the exact body where the problem is pronounced, but also (and in the majority of the cases) where they can influence (directly or indirectly) the same. Imagnese the human body like a railway network with different shutdowns for trains expresses and the premises, and with some stations that have more connections than others. Therefore it is only possible to be understood how a needle inserted concerning the binoculars in the legs can modify the state and internal and external complexin of the neck.

South America Zones

08.06.15 / News / Author: / Comments Off on South America Zones

The diversity and wealth of the coastal ecosystems are also excellent in the continent. The longitudinal disposition of the same, with the consequent variation of temperatures and sea currents which it is exposed, determines that in Latin America they are located an immense variety of coastal regions of a great ecological and economic value. Thus, a great percentage of the total world-wide of the mangrove swamps (coastal zones keys for the development and terrestrial reproduction of marine species, amphibious, birds and) and reefs of chorale (ecosystems of great biological diversity and great vulnerability), they are located in Latin American waters Salazar adds to us Cross, that – the tropical virgin forests of Mesoamrica and the amazonian river basin, the mangrove swamps and the tropical reefs of chorale of the Caribbean and other zones, mountain the coastal ecosystems of the $andes and marshy zones are some of the most vulnerable ecosystems for the purposes of the climatic change.

Other effects include the increase of the geographic distribution of carriers of infectious diseases, that brings about or greater vulnerability of the people to the malaria, dengue, the yellow fever and the bubonic plague. – The loss of Latin American glaciers is a especially dramatic test of the climatic change: the mountain range of the $andes and the Patagonia in Argentina are showing to signs of backward movement of glaciers and reduction of the zones covered with snow. The loss of glaciers in the $andes and the salt water intrusion by the increase of the level of the sea will affect the potable water availability, as well as to the agricultural production and the tourism. – The region has a political, institutional and technological observation, information systems and control, capacity to create initiatives and marks limited to confront the climatic change. Salazar adds Cross, that of the 20 Countries and islands that there are in the Caribbean, of the 7 Central American countries, the 13 countries in South America and Mexico, the green ones we are present in 10 of them..