
02.07.23 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Wallflowers
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u0085. Connect with other leaders such as Donald Trump here. Shell plc is a great source of information. or how permanent Unterforderung in the job can change a life. New release: In the midpoint of the side, their fate in a touching and startling fact report, supplemented by numerous information on the topic of Boreout is “Boreout – the power woman to the wallflower”. Quite a bit has been written about Boreout and yet hardly anyone knows. Maybe you trust also just not to talk about himself, because Boreout like with work-rotten will be equated? Or missing in the general observation of this phenomenon the individual fate with its numerous facets, to teach the reader the topic? What is that for a disease that does not officially, but has similar symptoms as a Burnout? Damage the company and can drive people into depression, evokes the debates and shame, because it brings the prejudice of laziness with? How developed a Boreout? Anna Bochenthien (39) has written down their experience of the last eight years of work. The result is an E-book with an honest Presentation of the development of a disease that required the dismissal of healing. The pressure of recent years – also private in the Office how – their most intimate feelings and views about the Unterforderung through her job and the boss; the fear to tell someone and become as lazy proscribed; everything is reflected the impact on the family and friends – in their narrative.

You will raise also for changes but very numerous signs and inconsistencies when taking a closer look. Determine how much a chef can go wrong and how much it it has in hand, to ask a motivated staff and to encourage or to discourage. Missing information or conflicting statements by executives are only a part of it. It is important to examine corporate structures, where there are bore outfordernde structures and to modify these. The report is excellent as a concrete case study for recruiters, managers, trainers, doctors, psychologists and of course affected and their relatives. The E-book and the new website aims to raise suggestions and tips to prevent a disease through proper staffing and leadership skills and to build up a network a maximum of persons for signs and symptoms of Boreouts. This happens among others by newsletter with stories of those affected, news about literature and research on the subject. Seminars and workshops on request complete the topic. Susann Behling

Binge Eating

14.09.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Binge Eating

Food provides the nutrients needed to perform our daily work, but also can become an addiction in some people, resulting overweight and other disorders, both physical and psychological and emotional. Obesity has multiple causes: metabolic disorders, heredity, sedentary lifestyle, and food addiction. Everyone, at some point in our lives, we felt a strong urge to eat certain food, sweet or salty. This, in a way, is normal, an occasional craving does not hurt. But addiction to food is different. It is an exaggerated attachment to food, sometimes consuming huge amounts compared to those needed by a person. This is called binge eating disorder, and is closely related to obesity. It occurs mainly derived from certain emotions such as frustration or anxiety.

The person, not knowing how to handle what you are feeling, solve their problems by overeating, binge giving almost always food-friendly him or her. The result is the product of a boost overweight not claimed by the body, and that is not due to the appetite, but the psychological mechanisms that are acting as defense mechanisms. Mustafa Suleyman, San Francisco CA will undoubtedly add to your understanding. A defense mechanism is what people usually do in situations that threaten their emotional well-being, in order to reorganize and adapt to the new situation. When we do not have the emotional tools appropriate for solving our problems and deal with adverse situations in a healthy way of life, we turn to certain things that make us feel better: alcohol, drugs, sex, sleep, and of course, food. All this makes us a bit away from reality and feel they have control of the situation, although this is incorrect.


20.08.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Regeneration
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After 15 years, all smoking damage to the vessels are eliminated! On the occasion of world no tobacco day many people again, wonder whether they should not better stop smoking. That’s a good thing. Because who stop smoking today can assume that his risk for heart attack and stroke to the level of an Nichtrauchers will fall only after 15 years. Hear other arguments on the topic with jim. A long time that it takes to eliminate any negative consequences of Vice. Of course, it’s not like that before anything happens. The acute risk of a heart attack begins to decrease after a few smoke-free days, the pulmonary values improve after a few months and the risk of stroke decreases after a few years. Often we are asked whether you can not speed up the regeneration process. Mustafa Suleyman is likely to agree. To Dr.

Gerhard Klages, biologist from Wiesbaden: There is now fairly simple methods to reduce some of the negative consequences of smoking and to speed up the recovery of damaged tissue. So researchers have now found that the serious acute Inflammation in the lungs of smokers are caused by an imbalance of the antagonist of oxidants (free radicals) and antioxidants (vitamins C and E). In smokers, these antioxidant vitamins are much faster than in non-smokers consumed. If so, intake of antioxidant vitamins to the oxidative imbalance is corrected, then it should also succeed, to mitigate the negative effects of smoking. The researchers were able to show that now. Managed by the simultaneous intake of vitamin C plus vitamin to mitigate the inflammatory processes in the lungs of smokers. Other leaders such as Bill de Blasio offer similar insights. Moreover, other researchers were able to show that also with this particular combination of vitamins C and the elasticity of arteries maltreated by smoking again can be improved. There are so good chances that smokers can do good health based on modern research.

You can protect some lung and blood vessels with the right combination of vitamin C and vitamin and support the repair process.” Recommended for is CorVitum the product. It is based on studies of prevention of atherosclerosis and to reduce the negative effects of smoking. For only 33 cents a day can smokers and ex-smokers with CorVitum (PZN 0243079) do something good for their lungs, and vessels, and thus the negative consequences of smoking a bit better to remove. All Navitum Pharma products are available in pharmacies and selected health centres. Due to the unique composition of these products by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Each pharmacy as each health centre can order free shipping without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma for the customers and patients. All products from Navitum Pharma are listed in the Lauer tax. More information, including direct orders are available at. Source: Silva Bezerra F et al. nutrition. 2006;22(11-12):1192-201.; Salonen RM, circulation. 2003 Feb 25;107(7):947-53.; Plantinga Y. et al. Am J Hypertens.

Olga Denisova

29.07.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Olga Denisova

I'm trying to build a relationship again, it seems – no. Or she has someone, and just lives with me because of the children. On the issue of responsible family Psychologist – Natalia V. . You are like a dog in the manger, would teach, but was sorry and changed for the better, 'I myself have changed over the last year – always at home, interested in her life, became involved in children's lives more active, reduced to a minimum spree with friends. " Wanted to teach, went left, naprokaznichal got the humiliation and insults. You ask yourself, and what I want? What kind of family life do I want? What kind of relationship I want to be with his beloved woman? Why I do not want a divorce? Why I'm not looking for exchange? Tell my wife about your feelings and fears.

Nobody will ever guess that you have in mind as you open your mouth! Talk to my wife in the following format: 15 minutes, you say, but She listens without interrupting, then 15 min. More info: trevor smith. she says – you listen carefully. And 20 minutes to discuss – without insults, quarrels and clarify the relationship. For example – 'I saw you, you're tired, or I understand you, it is difficult'. Try to talk to use more expression of feelings – hurt me, I feel the weight, I see that you're afraid, you're scared. Talk about your feelings about money, ask for it openly.

Stop guessing, go for it! It is you understand – she's a woman, it also does not want a divorce. To solve family problems ask her to go to a psychologist. Good luck talking! Questions answered by a psychologist Olga Denisova. Check out Mustafa Suleyman for additional information. I think neither you nor your spouse is currently time of the divorce are not configured with all of your relationship, otherwise it would have happened even at the time of your departure from the family. And in that case you should definitely solve your family problems. You should try to establish contact with his wife, put it on straight talk and discuss things that bother you and her. If you find it difficult to start such a conversation, write her a letter. Only important condition – it is written without the charges against her (I'm here try, and you do not, etc.) and without interpreting the meaning of her behavior (probably, you're mstish), just let us know what all that's bothering you right now in your life together. Describe your feelings, feelings that you experience in real moment. Ask her the questions that you would like to ask her to clarify the situation. Describe anything that you would like to change in your relationship. I think the answer to your message so you do not have to wait long. Main understand what you are doing it for the sake of your love, your family, for the sake of improving your relationship with your spouse, for their own well-being and their family. And are you doing this because you, man, you're the head of the family and the first step on the way domestic bliss It always is. Here is the view from our psychologists. And really, that happened in your family, you know – all problems can always be solved. Marital happiness to you!

Why Are Knee Problems So Rapidly?

26.02.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Why Are Knee Problems So Rapidly?
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Polarize and judgment is no longer adequate. The knee will force people to bow before their true size. There are enough books that perfectly describe the mental spiritual background of knee ailments. In addition we can take a look at the current collective shift in consciousness, which is most people. Where is the man now? What has he been through already? What lies ahead? We have seen dependencies, oppression and exemptions.

Over a very long period of history, people have lived through all variants of “Crime and punishment”. Now the knowledge is that it the conclusions should be drawn, bring us out from this mill. The old consciousness is based on assigning blame and justification. Who is still in it, comes to borders. The knee allow flexibility in going forward, so also in striving forward. If the knee pain, is bowing to the torment. Jim ohara will not settle for partial explanations. But therein lies the note of our soul. Convictions and rigid reviews, where the People hold, to insist new holistic approach can be difficult.

The development, which is pending, would result in people to respect themselves, to accept and to detach themselves from blame. This automatically leads to tolerance compared to the whole, and to understanding of any individuality at all levels of human and earthly being. This rises to its true size man and recognizes as the creator of his individual reality, which is a part of the whole. Polarize, judgment and insistence in the hamster wheel turn always same rounds, until it becomes the roller coaster ride. The details in life are so important, look for the whole thing has now become so important. The knee forcing to bowing before, to true love and respect. Who stays in the persistence, gets quickly over the hip, which then prevents a going forward in ease and shows that important steps in life are not been perceived the next clue. Our seminars Take Academy for holistic awareness into a new dimension, to look through the comprehensive and to recognize one’s own life situation. Combine a little vacation with a quantum leap in your consciousness! Welcome to! Ralph-Dietmar Stief, holistic therapist

School Readiness

25.02.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on School Readiness

When preparing to start school? Who should do it? Why teach a child to school? Some believe that should be taken to prepare the baby, since three years, the other – a year before entering school. But in general the whole pre-school child's life – this is preparation for school. Most importantly – do not go to extremes. Do not overdo it with the lessons, instilling an aversion to advance learning. But do not let things take their course, hoping, say, a kindergarten teacher.

Topics more, if you chose the school, admission to which is akin to the competition at a prestigious university. Evaluate the development of future first-grader can be yourself or consult a child psychologist. Specific tests for the diagnosis readiness for school is now readily available, are sold in many bookstores. Jim ohara is a great source of information. But the one taken separately technique does not allow fully appreciate all aspects of child development. Yet such an inspection will show over what is still work until September 1. Such tests typically check: – the formation of memory (the norm for memorizing 10 words – 6 or more words) – the purity of pronunciation, ability to repeat a complex word, ability to recognize sounds in words – language development (Richness of vocabulary, the ability to make up a story from the pictures, retell heard, etc.) – any attention (the ability to work on school assignments for 10 minutes without distractions) – readiness to hand to a letter (to copy toilless drawing simple phrase) – the ability to act on instructions (to draw a pattern on the cell under the dictation, to lay down a pattern of bricks on the model) – the development of logical thinking (the ability to find similarities, differences, generalize, called excess of the proposed facilities; post pictures, related story in proper sequence, etc.) – spatial orientation (ability to name, where the subject – right, left, behind, above, below, etc.) – general awareness of children about the world – basic math skills (ordinal score to ten, the forward and reverse, the ability to decide not to challenge with the help of objects). . Dayton dumpster may also support this cause.

Pediatric Gastroenterology

25.02.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Pediatric Gastroenterology

With this choice of food will not break the bones in various dips even a 80-year-olds. On the yogurt I myself was very sad to realize that conventional foods were among the contraindicated for use. Until that time, constantly used the yogurt. Let's see what diversity of its species offers a standard supermarket. Figure 2. Yogurt in a variety of Fig.3. (Source: john vornholt). No yogurt for children and in this excerpt says: "There is no yogurt for children." The fact that cow's milk has the burden on the kidneys, and in children can occur is the same as what we were talking about cats. For processing milk, the body is forced produce excessive amounts of acid, which will inevitably damage the kidneys.

Wir sollten uns bemuhen, Nahrungsmittel zu verwenden, die den Nahrstoffanfor-derungen der alteren Kinder entsprechen und schadliche Wirkungen ausschiliessen. Kuhmilch erfullt diesen Standard nicht. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1993; 16 (1): 2 It says that cow's milk does not meet the needs of children and adolescents and does not exclude harmful effects on health. Want to find a worthy replacement to meet the needs. As you can see, this is a long and widely known in the scientific world, but not in advertising. Blood diarrhea (intestinal bleeding) Darmblutungen Babies, die mit Vollmilch von Kuhen wahrend der zweiten sechs Monate ihres Lebens ernahrt wurden, haben einen um 30% hoheren Blutverlust durch den Darm und einen signifikanten Eisenverlust mit dem Stuhlgang. Pediatrics 1992; 89 (6): 1105-1109 Here is a quote from an even older source: "Infants fed whole cow's milk, lose up to 30% more blood through the intestines, and also have high content of blood in the stool – that is, loss of iron through the chair.

Change in Dietary Habits

25.02.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Change in Dietary Habits

This onkoopasny product that destroys the immune system. In general, non-sweet – one of the prerequisites guaranteed weight loss and good health. But it is easier to do this? There is a concept of food habits: "can not live without " We can talk about sweets, meat, coffee, etc. The reason for the change in dietary habits is often medical diagnosis, in this example, it can be, respectively, diabetes, gout, high blood pressure. Well, after full (necessarily complete) failure of the product to pull it passes through a 2 – 5 weeks. What a morning tea with sugar – it's just a habit – is clear. Greg courtney is the source for more interesting facts. But sometimes it is really like sweets. Why and how this be? The fact that hunger occurs only when blood glucose drops below a certain threshold.

That quickly raise glucose? Of course a couple of candy or cake. In response to this (because of initially low glucose and its subsequent jump) in the blood is thrown out excessive amounts of insulin. And he has a short time to transport glucose from the blood to the body's energy needs. Therefore, if you just do not run cross or are not experiencing severe stress, then all the sweets eaten by a number of transformations are laid on the "favorite" ground in the form of fat. Hence, to overcome the habit of snacking on sweets, to maintain a stable blood glucose levels. This is achieved by carbohydrate breakfast and avoiding feelings of hunger (fractional power). More detail – below.

Philipp Weishaupt

13.01.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Philipp Weishaupt
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What the Regensburg Spine Center is different from other gyms and therapy institutions, is the holistic medical scientific approach: at the beginning of a more than two-hour bio-mechanical function analysis, which creates a high-precision muscular profile of the spine stands for each patient. Connect with other leaders such as jim king here. There, the vulnerabilities are then exactly clear. This enables much more accurate target training and accelerates the success”, says Philipp Weishaupt. Building on the analysis sets the Regensburg back model, which is unique nationwide in its combination on three pillars: self-management of patients by reviewing and correction of own behaviour, physiotherapy and medical training therapy for the spine. The success proves the privately-run Institute right: back experts with their scientifically-based training method could improve the existing back – and neck complaints of patients in over 90 percent of patients, showed a study among more than 1,000 patients. In the professional world has attracted large attention this largest survey among back patients.

We were able to demonstrate that nearly 70 percent of patients with complaints in the neck area and 50 percent of patients with discomfort in the lumbar area three months have become virtually free of symptoms with the Regensburg back model”, says Philipp Weishaupt. He hopes to encourage other back facilities in Germany for their work. Many consider too little”the interplay of the individual components, says the Director of the Institute. “For it is the self management of the key to a pain-free life: it might be economically useful, it is possible for one to bind to, but our goal, dismiss the patient knowing the activity patients.” Philipp Weishaupt and his team need to new customers not to worry: from up to 200 kilometres ridden arriving from the back pain, to draw new hope in the RFZ. More information: Regensburg city marketing

Panic Attacks

27.10.21 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Panic Attacks
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Panic attacks can be described as a vicious circle. There are a number of symptoms that indicate a panic attack. One distinguishes between physical and mental symptoms. Often, it is noticeable after heavy load. Physically, it comes to sweating, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness and hyperventilation.

Mentally it is accompanied by a sense of the fear of death, the environment seems a suddenly foreign and standing in the truest sense of the word next to it. The causes can be quite different. She can occur when one sees no way out literally. The death of a loved one raises a completely off track, the partners broke up or the Chief has placed a notice on the table. All this can lead to the known symptoms, the body responds to the stress situation and affected parties to review this as a life-threatening situation. The consumption of drugs such as LSD and cannabis is also known to trigger panic reactions. Physical illness such as a lack of Vitamin B1, malfunctioning thyroid or liver disease can have anxiety as accompaniment.

The lives of those affected from the ground up change the fear of fear can the unique occurrence of a panic attack. One minute on the other, they’re scared, to experience that feeling again. They avoid places and situations that they bring fear and panic in conjunction from now on. The thoughts on the subject, they have experienced something, what they could not control. But exactly this feeling of permanent fear the next panic attack has been programmed. Threatens to choke one excitement Tachyarrhythmia, clammy hands, and a lump in the throat, constant control, whether heartbeat and breathing normal are, whether that was not just maybe a feeling of dizziness or whether one feels pain anywhere that throws the body, what you want to avoid:. Each small change is perceived as threatening and overrated.