Oberon Books

27.02.22 / News / Author:

This has done the English scholar Alistair Elliot it presents its version of the tragedy Phaethon in a 75-page volume, published by Oberon Books. Phaeton is the son of Helios, the Sun (ie, Apollo), and such a Klymene, wife of King Merops, who has been led to believe he is the father of the boy. Jim halpert can provide more clarity in the matter. Like most teenagers, is something swashbuckling and learning (for an indiscretion from her mother) that his real father is none other than the Sun, decided to impress his friends. Apollo goes to visit him permission to start the guide, for a day, the heady chariot drawn by four horses with which God makes the journey from east to west daily. But the horses bolted, the Earth’s climate crazy (the Abyssinians are black forever), the entire planet is on fire and finally throws a thunderbolt from Zeus Olympus and precipitated the rash in a river where he drowned. We are told that the oldest preserved us, Alcestis, 438 BC and is his first public appearance in 455, ranking fourth, with three lost tragedies, Aeschylus in the drama was reserved satirical. It is not exactly a tragedy but a tale between sentimental and humorous. The myth had already been treated by others as Phrynichus tragic and expresses how King Admetus is saved by his wife Alcestis, who agrees to die in his place and is finally taken away to death by Heracles, meeting both a promising future.

Euripides is the myth but changes the interpretation of the characters: Admetus, which should be noble and heroic, cowardly and ridiculous, allowing his wife die for him and feeling sorry for himself. In Medea (431) innovation of the old myth is greater. Euripides creates a tragedy of great psychological force that makes Medea kills their children in revenge for Jason’s infidelity. She has deceived and killed by follow, against the wishes of his father, can not accept Jason’s wedding to the daughter of the king of Corinth. By a trick, a magician himself, kill the young bride with the gift of a dress bewitched, depriving Jason of his love. Finally Medea is taken away, and freed from the wrath of the Corinthians in the chariot of the Sun, one of his ancestors.

In this book the author shows the antagonistic forces of the human soul: Medea struggle between his desire for revenge and love for their children. The heroine is contrasted with those of Sophocles and Aeschylus, it is a woman driven by their passions, foreign and magician, which scandalized her fellow citizens. Clasica.com Culture gives us that Euripides’ The language is similar to colloquial speech for several reasons: vocabulary drawn from the prose, colloquial use of stylistic figures of hyperbaton, or the appeal of putting on a history of what will happen to the prologue. This does not mean it is a vulgar style, but has the characteristic simplicity of Industrial Engineer-manager poets, abogado.

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