
12.09.22 / News / Author:

However, to deal with this fatality in elapsing of infancy or the adolescence is still more difficult. The illness and consequentemente the necessity of internment during infancy can cause diverse consequences in accordance with Hisses; Tonetto; Gomes (2006, P. 29): ‘ ‘ the hostility of the hospital context can provoke emotional upheavals. Acute and chronic illnesses intervene with the familiar dynamics and the social reply of the child, causing irreversible changes in the passage of desenvolvimento’ ‘ , they are possibilities that can or not to occur. In this direction, the hospital pedagogical work can be cooperating to prevent itself or at least brightening up such consequncias and upheavals, becoming the hospital a less hostile environment to the child. In accordance with Oliveira (1993, P.

328): ‘ ‘ the hospital is, for the child, a place of prohibitions: if it cannot walk for corridors, to play ball, to take air cool, to speak high, to talk with other children, to play … ‘ ‘ , beyond being associated to pain, suffering, distance of the family, injections and medications. In accordance with Bowlby (1995, P. 24), as much the child as the adolescent when being hospitalized passes for three phases: the first one is of protest and the revolt with the invasive and painful internment and procedures; the second phase is characterized by a period of indifference and apathy of them stops with the hospital; the third A stage the child and the adolescent finish creating bonds partner-affective with the nurses, assistants, with other patients and thus she goes to the few accepting the cares and its situation of internment medical. When the patient is knowing of the disgnostic one passes for some phases, according to Ross.

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