Office Control

20.08.22 / News / Author:

100 percent security at system – and IP based telephones. Leipzig, December 21, 2009 your phone is secure? Commercially available system phones are inconspicuous listening attack”not protected. The reasons for this are that the microphone in the handset, as well as the hands-free microphone in the device in hibernation are not fully disabled and thus from outside about the characteristics of the service, or in the extreme case of hacker software can be actively switched. The hands-free microphone integrated into the phone and also the microphone in the handset the be powered, receive and amplify the noise, room noise. The release of this information via soft – and hardware control from the central control system. Here are the direct response /-answer, baby monitor, room monitoring, automatic call acceptance, emergency links only a small selection of the possibilities of the eavesdropping compromise. Even if an attack outside of Office being choice, IP network access or in-House cannot appear, so show new alerts about vulnerabilities in software-driven systems and the consequences of an alarming trend. For more clarity and thought, follow up with trevor smith and gain more knowledge.. The technical solution of the SDZ GmbH waived by an electronic deactivation on the hands-free function in the phone.

Also, a shutdown of the microphone in the handset when on-hook in the Receiver cradle by an additional control Assembly in the unit takes place. A subsequent exchange of the handset has no effect on the existing security. The realization is carried out through a permanent monitoring of status of the handset”, which queried via a feedback-free triggering and evaluated. This level of State control is equivalent to the two mechanical States of the handset: listeners removed or lying on. This modification is not possible an external software manipulation and compromise of the phone device. This is the crosstalk in the idle state greater than 100 dB. More information under:.

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