Roma Office Ortiz
11.09.22 / News / Author: Martin
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THE POSTMODERNS vote for the youngest, the oldest or the novice, the size of your dreams, choose your candidate. In solidarity and against the veto to Son of hilarity of the Troubadour Byron Barranco short vision. Manuel Garcia Estrada the final storm of the regime comes loaded with all kinds of blizzards, hail and drip edges that when most lower its intensity are not removed and remain as chipichipi. This weekend from the column more an advocate for Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador writes teacher Ortiz Pinchetti a ventarron of those who we don’t want to see expressed but nothing favorably to Mexican life. The theme written and broadcast deals with racism although it shows that perceptions of social movements from the pavilions are little close to the reality. Ortiz ensures that the campaign of hatred against Andres Manuel also brings doses of racism, which is true, but the problem has never been what they say strategists of marketing against someone but the answer of who is attacked. Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill understood the implications.
Ortiz Pinchetti said that whites are those who maintain hegemony in Mexico, which just enough to see in the city of Mexico who are those who serve and those who are served in the restaurants, etc. Take the DF as representing the country is wrong because in Toluca or Veracruz entering a restaurant cause columnist a real shock to see all the colors people sitting and eating. There is a country beyond the Anahuac. Ortiz Pinchetti is opening a door that will generate strong problems. If the teacher were eating in Polanco his text should say that Jewish hegemony is to serve and the goims to serve them. It seems to me that playing to racist speeches saying that such or which group is which submits to the rest at this time exhibits to the subject as people without character, values, consciousness and brain to act and to reverse the fact. Enough of the blame culture and education as those that cause that the village is Crouching. That is a decision for each family and each person because today you know that another reality is possible.
I would like to remind Pinchetti that AMLO movement there are all kinds of people who come from throughout Mexico and that in 2006 the mixed-race blacks took to the streets to say to people just like them who marched through the streets nacos. That whites who came to scream the same stupid things encountered in the demonstrations there are huge amounts of the same race and the same happens with the socio-economic and cultural levels. Mexico is a nation of ethnicities and races, the problem of the inferiority complex is that it usually points to others as possessors of the superiority complex. It would be interesting to say to master Ortiz Pinchetti than in the structure of the legitimate Government which deserves me all due respect since it was founded by more than one million Mexicans struggling civilly for a better country has serious problems. Anything more simply call colonia Roma Office to see how the staff is inept, superb and Zeus feels touched by God. To take on face to anyone their defects should one work in own because cannot require that you can not give. If they do not want to have racism, segregation and exclusion it would be good to put the example from the pejeista movement. Original author and source of the article.
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