Pedagogical Education

15.08.18 / News / Author:

The pedagogical action under the bases of the investigativa didactics if becomes the challenging task for all we, since for many the resistance still is great, had to be atrelado to a teach-learning standard that the professor is the detainer of the knowledge a formation profile would bank (FREIRE, 2000). However, as to awake the capacity of decision autonomy, to take the proper destination in its hands? The enchantment of a new day if awakes for the joy of living it, therefore the hope is had to follow in front in brainstorming, from the collective one, as well as, what it is inside of us – to desire something, that depends on the attitudes so that this desire if carries through For such, shares the words of RABBIT (1980) in RODRIQUES (2003, PG: 192) when it says that: ' ' a trace must characterize the human being, not yet embrutecido for the proper one fraquesa or for the tremendous reality, is the freedom that it reserve to oppose itself to the defective event, the disappointing situation, a contradictory force. This force could call hope; hope of that what it is not, it does not exist, it can come to be; a wait, in the dream, of that something if moves onward, for the future, becoming reality what it needs to happen, what it has to pass existir' ' . Being thus, the first day of lesson had as objective to narrow and to reflect on the diverse relations? staffs, group and of vision of the social one, and also the presentation of disciplines in the metodolgica structure? the indissociabilidade enters education searches and extension, therefore, is presented for process of analyzes the film ' ' A Lesson of Amor' ' – reasons to fortify a friendship, the intentions of the choice of the course, the direction of the life, as well as, the direction of a leadership, while professional of Physical Education, dealing with the questions of the leisure, and, as in say Rodrigues to them (2009, pg: 1): (…) The film ahead places in them of a singular situation, where we perceive with clarity the impossibilities of San and, at the same time, we live deeply through the images an only experience of paternity, pautada in a loaded relation of emotion and presence, of participation and donation on the part of the father in relation to the son, adding itself it everything this, the frieza of the North American judiciary system, where justice disdains details that can be decisive for solutions of a traumatic case of separation between father and son.

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