
18.06.19 / News / Author:

Sensitivity and respect for the nature inherited of the aboriginal tribes, allowed the Amazonian people to develop the extrativista activity, that is, the nature is perfect and supplies to the human being everything what it needs. Since the artesanato, the feeding, music, passing for the clothes. A related curious fact to the artesanato is the resistance and the valuation as for its preservation and maintenance; it has a concern of the craftsman in not leaving to lose the essence of the work, although all the external influence, as it is the case of the globalization. Still today the artesanato of miriti (palm very found in the region of (…), call of cut system and burns, characterized for the use of an area, for one the two years, followed per some years of pousio. approximately exists 380,000 familiar agriculturists, of which the half if concentrates in the state of Par, where the majority of the agricultural population lives of agriculture and the cattle one, (…) (SCHMITZ, 2007), although the government not to attempt against for the annual agricultural production, in the two last recent given decades (…) shows the importance of this activity in the Amaznia, (…) (SCHMITZ, 2007). Ours two last factors of Amazonian cultural representation are music and the clothes. The first one of European and black influence giving origin lundu (that also she influenced the Carioca samba, and she is of African black origin), carimb and the Syrian. In the question clothes, we also repair the referring black influence to the colors of fabrics and the inspirations in the nature. 4 the question politics: The legal Amaznia the interest of world-wide powers on the Amazonian forest and its biodiversity,> interest of long date awakes; Brazil very withholds a vast extension of border being difficult to assume the control completely, neighboring countries makes constant incursions our forest, alleging that the same one represents a patrimony of the humanity, therefore, all has the right to explore it as its interests.

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